The Srimad Bhagavad Gita, the oldest book of the world in modern English SMS Language. This is a wonderful experiment by Journalist Bhaskar Banerjee.
d Bhagavad Gita iz d ancient spiritual txt dat forms a sublime synthesis of d mNE strands of Hindu belief. takN frm d Mahabharata epic, it Dtails a dialogue Btwen d divine Krishna & d hUmN warrior Arjuna b4 a mighty battle n whch Arjuna must Dcide wethR 2 wage wR agAnst Hs own famLe. Krishna imparts spiritual enlightenment 2 Arjuna, teaching him d paths of knowledge, devotion, action, & meditation, & helping him 2 c beyond d temporal 2 d eternal. DIS nu transl8n captures both d clarity of Hindu philosophy & d bUtE of Sanskrit poetry.
d Bhagavad Gita iz d ancient spiritual txt dat forms a sublime synthesis of d mNE strands of Hindu belief. takN frm d Mahabharata epic, it Dtails a dialogue Btwen d divine Krishna & d hUmN warrior Arjuna b4 a mighty battle n whch Arjuna must Dcide wethR 2 wage wR agAnst Hs own famLe. Krishna imparts spiritual enlightenment 2 Arjuna, teaching him d paths of knowledge, devotion, action, & meditation, & helping him 2 c beyond d temporal 2 d eternal. DIS nu transl8n captures both d clarity of Hindu philosophy & d bUtE of Sanskrit poetry.
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