iPhone 5: 3 reasons to loved it

Posted by Anonymous On 6:10:00 pm No comments

az I played rownd w d iPhone 5 on Wednesday, I wondered wot d l8 Steve Jobs wud hav thawt bout d L8st twist on Apple's best-selling device.

It didn't tAk lng 2 conclude Jobs wud hav Bin delighted w d iPhone 5's blend of beauty, utility & versatility.

+ n d mo advncd teknoloG & nu fEturs dat went in2 DIS iPhone, & it's clr apL hz cum ^ w NothA prodct dat wiL compel hordes of ppl 2 line ^ outside itz stores b4 itz September 21 release n d US, Japan, Britain, Germany, France & 4 othR countries.

Full Coverage on Apple's nu iPhone

d :-|| dash 2 buy d iPhone 5 wiL b repeated agen on September 28 wen it goes on sale n 22 othR countries. aL d models of d iPhone 5 wiL seL 4 d sAm prices az itz predecessor, starting @ $199 w a two-year data & clng plan.

An important caveat bout dEz impressions: I wz only allotted bout 15 mins w d iPhone 5 @ Wednesday's launch event, not Enuf tym 2 discover f it mite hav som technological bugs. I M suR n d comin days othR reviewers wiL hav d opRtunET 2 GIV d fone a mo thorough vetting.

4 mNE people, d iPhone iz goin 2 b a case of luv @ 1st tuch. It's incredibly lite & sEmz 2 b EZer 2 hold. dat mEnz it mite not b dropped az frequently az previous iPhones, reducing d chances of d glaS on d dsplA scrEn getin damaged.

1 woman hu also wz tstn out an iPhone 5 couldn't stop raving bout how ideal d nu DzIN wz 4 ppl w smaLR hands. "All d othR iPhones wer mAd w men n mind cuz dey c%d EzalE slip frm yor grasp f U didn't hav big hands," she sed. "Now we finalE hav an iPhone 4 women."

d nu iPhone also iz EZ on d eyes, thx 2 a larger scrEn & itz "Retina Display," d high-definition teknoloG dat apL introduced n previous models. VDO & photos L%k evN mo lush on d iPhone 5's bigger & BetA scrEn.

@ 4 inches diagonally, d iPhone 5's scrEn iz a half-inch larger thN previous generations & apL mAk suR 2 tAk advantage of it. on d mo prosaic side of things, d extra spAc mEnz U cn nw c 5 rows of apps on d om scrEn insted of d previous limit of 4 rows. OpN d calNdR & U cn c 5 days of evnts on d scrEn n horizontal mode, insted of jst 3.

d larger scrEn rly comes 2 life, though, w wot iz pRhaps itz coolest feature - a tool caLd "Panorama" dat automatically stitches 2geder a series of pix in2 a majestic vista. Panorama cn b turnD on simply by goin in2 d iPhone 5's camera mode & thN selecting it on an optN menu. 1ce it's activated, an arrow guides U az U slowly pan d camera rownd wutevA scenery U desire (if U muv t% fast, Panorama tells U 2 slO dwn & also advises U f U R moving d camera t% hI o low). 1ce U R done, U cn L%k @ d panoramic shot withn 2nds & zoom in2 wchevr areas of d pictuR L%k most intRStN.

Not surprisingly, watchN VDO on d larger scrEn iz also mo pleasurable, although I stil tink d iPad & othR tablet computers R a much BetA way 2 watch movies & TV shows on d go.

d device iz also speedier cuz of a mo powerful processing chip & upgraded wireless teknoloG dat accelerates Web surfing.

apL also hz equipped d iPhone 5 w a superior swNd system, courtesy of d nu headphones dat d co. says it spent 3 years developing. d headphones, caLd "EarPods," R a vast improvement on d ear buds dat apL hz Bin givN awA w itz devices 4 mo thN a decade. d nu headphones actually stA n yor ears & mAk it sEm az f d swNd iz playing inside yor hed. d EarPods cum frE w d iPhone 5, & dey soundD az gud az $100 headphones sold by a variety of othR compnEz.

d nu phone's opr8n system, iOS 6, also introduces NothA :) toy dat makes it EZ 2 share photos w yor fRnds & famLe. jst seleC a picture, o evN a series of photos, thN email dem 2 whomever U wnt. Assuming d recipients also hz an apL device runN on iOS 6, dey wiL git a notification dat wiL snd d designated photos 2 thR iPhone, iPad o iPod tuch. d recipients don't neSSarLE hav 2 own an iPhone 5 cuz d nu iOS cn b downloaded 4 frE beginN Sept. 19 on a wide range of older apL devices, including d 3 previous versions of d iPhone & d lst two versions of d iPad.

d nu opr8n SYS also stands out 4 what's missing.

d pre-installed YouTube app dat had Bin pRt of d iPhone since it came out n 2007 iz gone (you cn nw dl a nu app mAd by YouTube onr g%gle Inc. n Apple's iTunes store). evN mo noticeable iz d absence of g%gle Maps. apL hz cast aside 1 of Google's most populR services 4 itz own mapping SYS and, frm wot I saw, it looks lIk it's goin 2 kEp users :-). It offers three-dimensional renderings of mNE mjr cities, aerial views, and, best of all, turn-by-turn directions narrated by d iPhone's virtual assistant, Siri. Assuming d directions R accurate, I doubt g%gle Maps iz goin 2 b missed.

d nu iOS also offers a feature caLd "Passbook," whr digital coupons, airline TKTS & gift cards cn b conveniently stored n 1 location. This, too, iz goin 2 b populR. Yet, Passbook wud b an evN handier tool f d iPhone 5 boasted a near-field cmUnik8shn chip 2 enable wireless payments @ d checkout stands equipped 4 d still-nascent teknoloG. som phones runN Google's Android software R abL 2 process payments cuz dey hav d NFC chip.

Siri iz also sposd 2 b smarter & evN mo helpful n d iPhone 5, although I didn't git a chaNc 2 chaLenG her n Apple's noisy tstn r%m.

t% bad cuz I wud hav liked 2 ask Siri wot Steve Jobs mite hav thawt of d iPhone 5. But, I M pritE suR I knO d Ans.


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