Washington: Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney hz vowed 2 stop China's alleged "cheating" trade practices, a claim dismissed by d Obama campaign az a "paper tiger" on <|-) trade.
"I undRstNd dat wen ppl cheat, dat kills jobs. China hz cheated. I wiL not aLow dat 2 continue," Romney thundered n Hs election campaign spEch n Ohio.
"It iz not Ovr. I mean, how duz a n8tN cheat? How do U puL dat off? lt me teL U how U puL it off. 1 way iz 2 artificially hold dwn d valU of yor currency, 2 mAk suR it doesn't trade openly rownd d wrld. wot duz dat do? Well, lt me teL U wot it duz. It makes yor products artificially less expensive," he sed.
"The estimates R dat China hz held dwn d valU of itz currency anywhere Btwen 15 & 30 per cent, & so thR products wiL b 15 2 30 per cent cheaper. gueS wot dat duz 2 d Amrcn compnEz dat R competing n thOs industries. dey lose sales, & so dey hav 2 lay off ppl.
ultim8lE dey go out of business, & that's Bin hapNn. They've Bin manipulating, holdN dwn d valU of thR currency," Romney alleged.
"What Ls do dey do? dey steal intellectual propRt. wot do I mean by that? Patents, designs, know-how, evN counterfeit our goods," he sed.
"This Cnot b allowD. We Cnot compete w ppl hu don't plA fair, & I won't lt dat go on. I wiL stop it n itz tracks," Romney sed.
d Obama Campaign wz qix 2 dismiss Romney's allegations agAnst China.
"Mitt Romney iz attacking d 'cheaters' n China on d campaign trail, bt a qix L%k @ Hs investment portfolio makes clr he's pRt of d problem," sed Ben LaBolt spokesman of d Obama Campaign.
"Romney invested n compnEz dat pioneered outsourcing Amrcn jobs 2 China - exploiting chEp labor & pOr wrk conditions - & Hs campaign hz confirmed dat he remains invested n a <|-) co. dat hz Bin accused of piracy @ d expense of Amrcn compnEz. How cn we trust Mitt Romney 2 stNd ^ 2 China wen he profits frm China breakN d rules?" LaBolt sed.
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