pro buk Conversion Services. Converting yor buk 2 eBook
wen U hav checked d review files, & U R :-) w yor eBook we cn publish it 2 d eBook retailers o we cn lt U hav d finishD files, f U wud rather b responsible 4 yor own publishing & distributN.
aL files we produce wiL NcluD a linked Table of Contents, searchable & re-sizeable text, & wiL paS NE tech. specifications required by d retailers.
d dfrnt eBook Formats
d two most populR eBook formats R Kindle format (Mobi files) & std ePUB files.
Kindle Format
Amazon’s Kindle eReader hz Bin a huge sukses and, via thR Kindle Store, Amazon seL mo eBooks thN NE othR retailer. We produce a PRC o Mobi format file, dat iz ideal 4 uploading 2 Amazon’s Kindle Store. d files we produce cn b previewed on a Kindle eReader device o Kindle App b4 dey R submitted 2 Amazon, so dat U cn c exactly how dey L%k b4 dey R avail. 4 purchase.
Kindle format files R produced n full color, & cn NcluD graphics, images, photos & tables. d actual Kindle devices only dsplA greyscale, although Kindle Apps 4 PC, Mac, iPad & smartphone R aL capable of displaying colR.
ther iz v limited contRL Ovr typefaces, font styles & layout withn a Kindle file, so f U hav a buk w a complex layout we wiL nEd 2 simplify how it looks durN d conversion process.
std ePUB
ePUB files R d sold by virtually aL othR retailers, apart frm Amazon, including Apple, Barnes & Noble, Kobo & Waterstone’s. EPUB files R also produced n colR & ther iz mo scope withn an ePUB 2 uz dfrnt fonts, txt styling & advncd layout fEturs. Although d files cn incorporate color, som ePUB compatible eReader devices wiL only dsplA greyscale. 4 example, a colR ePUB fIL sold via B&N’s Nook Store wiL not b displayed n colR on a std Nook eReader bt wiL b on a Nook colR eReader.
1ce we hav converted yor file, we wiL snd U a preview version, whch U cn L%k @ on a compatible eReader f U hav one, o on frE software dat cn b installed on yor cmptr.
Two othR eBook formats whch R suited 2 mo specific types of book, R Fixed-Layout eBooks & rED Aloud eBooks.
Fixed-Layout eBooks
Fixed-Layout eBooks R formats whch R ideal 4 reproducing books w a hI graphic content such az children’s pictuR books, Cofy table books & business/text books, whch contaN hevE formatting o lots of tables & graphics.
Fixed-Layout formats offer much mo n d way of formatting & styling support, & usu we cn produce a Fixed-Layout eBook dat looks virtually identical 2 yor orignL prNt layout.
We cn produce fixed-layout files 4 Apple, B&N, Kobo & Amazon (Kindle Fire). aL 4 of dEz formats aLow 4 maintaining d majority of d orignL PDF layout, & hav options 4 double-page viewing & R n color. Ech fixed-layout version iz designed 2 wrk on specific devices, az listed bElO.
d fixed-layout ePUB 4 apL wiL wrk on iPad, iPhone & iPod Touch, & cn b sold via Apple’s iTunes & iBookstore.
d fixed-layout PagePerfect fIL 4 B&N wiL wrk on Nook colR & Nook Tablet, & cn b sold via B&N’s Nook Store.
d fixed-layout ePUB 4 Kobo wiL only wrk on a Kobo Vox eReader (which U cn buy frm WH Smith & Asda). d fIL cn b sold Thru Kobo & itz retail network, whch includes WH Smith n d UK, Fnac n Europe & Collins Bookstore n Australia.
d fixed-layout KF8 format 4 Amazon wiL currently only wrk on a Kindle Fire tablet & d newest Kindle tuch eReaders, & cn b sold Thru Amazon’s Kindle Stores.
2 request a quote 2 produce a Fixed-Layout eBook, pls snd a PDF of yor buk f U hav it, along w a description of yor requirement 2
rED Aloud eBooks
rED Aloud eBooks R Fixed-Layout ePUB files whch hav Bin NhancD w an audio narration & possibly a bkgrnd soundtrack t%. dey R perfect 4 children’s story buk w aL d fantastic graphical options of a Fixed-Layout ePUB, plus dey GIV d reader d choice of hearing d narration on a page-by-page basis, o letN d pages turn automatically az d story iz rED out. Ech wrd of d buk cn b hi-lited az dey R spoken, & d reader cn turn d bkgrnd music o swNd effects on o off az dey wsh.
We cn produce rED Aloud eBooks 4 both apL & Kobo.
2 request a quote 2 produce a rED Aloud eBook, pls snd a PDF of yor buk f U hav it, along w a description of yor requirement 2 We cn also aRnge 4 d production of a proLE voiced narration, f U do not wsh 2 organise DIS yorself.
wot we’ll nEd frm U
2 cvert yor buk in2 eBook format, we wiL nEd eithR a (doc file) digital version of it, o a PDF copy n gud condition.
Accepted fIL Types
PDF & wrd doc R d most comN fIL types we receive, although InDesign iz fiN t%. f U hav yor buk n a dfrnt format, we shud stil b abL 2 hlp bt pls email Dtails 2
wot duz it cost?
d cost wiL depend upon d content & lngth of yor buk. d most straightforward books 2 cvert R thOs dat only contaN txt.
A text-only buk of ^ 2 300 pages costs jst $150 2 cvert. DIS P$ includes conversion 2 both Mobi (the Amazon Kindle format) & ePub (suitable 4 Apple’s iBookstore & most othR mjr on9 retailer).
Books w images, graphs, tables, scientific/mathematical formulae & diagrams cn b converted 2 eBook bt nEd mo wrk & sumtimz R mo XpNsiv 2 cvert depeNdN upon d # of pages. f U hav a buk dat contains NE of dEz items dat U wud lIk converted 2 eBook, pls contak s @
Publishers & Authors w multiple books: f U hav mo thN 1 book, we R :-) 2 discuS discounted rates 4 bulk orders.
How lng duz it take?
d conversion process, frm receipt of yor manuscript 2 d delivery of d fInL converted files usu takes Btwen 1 & 2 weeks. f U R n a real hurry, we do offer an expedited 7 dA srvic – pls contak us w Dtails of wot U nEd & we’ll git bak 2 U az s%n az we cn.
redE 2 git started?
f U R redE 2 git started pls tAk a L%k @ our getin Started pg & complEt d sht ordr process.
f U hav NE questions pls contak
contak fone # +919051663217
Nice to know about your services about conversions. I was wondering if you could tell me what is the role of Fixed Layout Conversion for iPad while converting the books of various formats for ipad of all versions.
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