Who was Winsor McCay?

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w d vu 2 cLebr8 d 107th anniversary of Winsor McCay's comic strip series ltl Nemo n Slumberland, g%gle posted an animated, intRStN doodle on itz homepage. d doodle iz d 1st of itz kind 2 feature an interactive, motion pictuR comic strip. But, hu wz Winsor MacCay?

Born on September 26, 1869, Winsor Zenic McCay wz an Amrcn cartoonist & animator. He wz quite known 4 d comic strip ltl Nemo, whch Bgan n 1905. Regarded az a comic-strip art masterpiece, d weekly strip 1st appeared on Oct. 15, 1905 n d nu York Herald az ltl Nemo n Slumberland & l8r n nu York Amrcn az n d Land of 1dRfL Dreams.

He wz also known 4 d animated cartoon Gertie d Dinosaur (1914). Due 2 certan legal reasons, Winsor worked undR d pen nAm Silas on d comic strip Dream of d Rarebit Fiend.
hu wz Winsor McCay?

Winsor McCay wz orginLE named Zenas Winsor McKay, n honR of Hs father's employer, Zenas G. Winsor. However, he l8r dropped d nAm Zenas.

n 1889, McCay went 2 Chicago 2 study @ d Art Institute of Chicago. bt bt due 2 lack of funds, he had 2 find a job. aftR working 4 two years, Winsor muvD 2 Ohio & started working az an Rtst 4 Kohl & Middleton's Vine st. Dime Museum. whIl n Ohio he married Maude Leonore Dufour.

Winsor McCay's 1st mjr comic strip series wz A Tale of d JNGL Imps by Felix Fiddle, & 43 installments published frm January 2 November 1903 n d Cincinnati Enquirer.

But, Windors's strips ltl Nemo & Dream of d Rarebit Fiend, whch wz published undR d pseudonym Silas, wer both set n d dreams of thR caractRs. McCay's cartoons wer nevr highly popular, bt Hs cartoons alwys had a strong following cuz of Hs expressive graphic stIL.

d interactive & animated g%gle doodle celebrating d nightly dreams of d ltl boi caLd Nemo begins w Nemo dreaming bout falling frm Hs bed in2 a hole & bn rescued by prinzS Camille. aftR a series of ltl adventures, Thru Google-land (the interactive doodle strip iz titled ltl Nemo n g%gle Land) Nemo, az n d actual comic strip, falls out of Hs bed.

n d dfrnt panels of d Winsor McCay ltl Nemo g%gle doodle d letters of d g%gle logo - G-O-O-G-L-E - apEr n a chronological ordr. Winsor McCay wz not only a newspaper cartoonist, bt also a pioneer of animated films. He started off az a poster & hoardings Rtst & l8r muvD 2 newspaper cartooning.

Winsor McCay died on July 26, 1934 of a cerebral embolism.


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