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Anti-corruption activist Arvind Kejriwal on tues. mAd Hs political debut w a party, & caLd 4 a "dharam yudh" n cuntrE az he unveiled Hs party's vision docmnt whch he sed represented d "aam admi". d official nAm of d pRT wiL b declared on Nov 26.
"This iz not my pRT. DIS iz yor pRT not myn. it iz a pRT of d ppl of DIS cuntrE. ppl R fed ^ of corruption," Kejriwal sed @ d Constitution Club.
"There iz a dharam yudh n DIS cuntrE. evry1 hz 2 tAk sides. Our cuntrE hz bcum a n8tN of VIPs. nw ther wiL b only 1 VIP n DIS cuntrE. d aam aadmi," he said, donning a Gandhi cap w "Mein hoon aam admi, mujhe chahiye Janlokpal" (I M comN man, I wnt Jan Lokpal) printed on it.
"This cap gives us rSpect. I wiL wear DIS 4 d rSt of my life, " he sed. He also announced Hs pRT wud contst assembly elections n Delhi NXT yr..
d outlines of d vision docmnt titled "Quest 4 Swaraj" R similR 2 wot Hs mentor Anna Hazare iz also fighting for, tho d two hav chosen dfrnt paths.
d docmnt lists setting ^ of a powerful Jan Lokpal o ombudsman, electoral reforms, decision makin "shifted 2 o proximate 2 d people", not allowing education 4 profit, government 2 tAk responsibility 4 universal healthcare, Amng othR things
d docmnt wz released along w othR colleagues of d erstwhile Team Anna .
"Democracy iz wen d ppl ruL d cuntrE. We hav 2 chAng d SYS whr evry1 hu comes in2 powR becomes greedy. We don't wnt 2 chAng d faces, we wnt 2 chAng d SYS. We hav 2 chAng d SYS withn 10-15 days. I Usd 2 wrk n d I-T dept. I knO how it works," he sed 2 applause.
"This iz jst a trailer. 1ce d pRT iz launched, d full pictuR wiL b seen," activist & key mmbr Yogendra Yadav sed referring 2 d docmnt.
Shanti Bhushan, Prashant Bhushan, & Manish Sisodia wer d othR key mbrs presnt.
d vision docmnt is, however, 2 b edited aftR mo consultations, Manish Sisodia sed.
Kejriwal, hu wz Amng thOs hu drafted d Team Anna's Jan Lokpal bill, had announced launch of Hs political pRT lst mth. However, it resulted n a brAk w Anna Hazare, d fAc of d campaign. Hazare on mon. denied NE differences w Kejriwal & sed he wud suport him f he contested agAnst Telecom Minister Kapil Sibal.
Discussing Hs political outfit, Kejriwal said: "People wiL GIV us monE - dey wiL campaign, dey wiL fite d elections."
Replying 2 a :-Q on Hazare supporting d outfit, Kejriwal said: "It iz a tst 4 us. f we put ^ gud candidates, Anna wiL support."
n a chaLenG 2 d Delhi Chief Minister Sheila Dikshit, Kejriwal announced a massive campaign agAnst hI electricity bills. "People shud not pA electricity bills, & f d government disconnects anyone's electricity, we wiL reconnect it. I M redE 2 go 2 jail. We wiL not jst gherao (lay siege to) chief minister's (Sheila Dikshit) residence, bt wiL disconnect her electricity," Kejriwal announced.
He threatened 2 hold a protest hEr on sun. f d st8 government did not aNounce a rollback of d electricity tariff hike.
He also sed he wud disclose corruption cases agAnst som lEdN political figures s@RdA.
"On Oct 6, we wiL reveal corruption chRjs we hav agAnst two v important ppl n DIS cuntrE. We hav a lot of evidence agAnst them," he sed.
Kejriwal sed both d Congress & d Bharatiya Janata pRT (BJP) wer working n tandem. "They wrk n tandem, ther iz n opositN n d cuntrE. We R d opposition."
d BJP welcomed launch of Hs political party, saying aL Indians hav d rght 2 contst elections.
"There R so mNE political parties & it iz gud dey R floating a pRT. aL citizens hav d rght 2 form a pRT & contst elections," sed BJP leadR Shahnawaz Hussain.
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