prez Barack Obama's campaign iz launchN a nu offensive mon. agAnst Republican Mitt Romney, blasting d GOP nominee 4 criticizing Americans hu don't pA income taxes w/o havN "come clean" bout Hs own.
d campaign started d nu push w a TV advertisement, itz 1st spot UzN Romney's comments dat 47 % of voters pA n income tax, & BlEv dey R victims & entitled 2 government assistance. d ad wz 2 begin airing n Ohio — a crucial swing st8 whr Romney wz campaigning DIS wk — bt wz also expected 2 b pRt of d campaign's fInL push elsewhere Btwen nw & Election dA.
"Maybe insted of attacking others on taxes, he shud cum clEn on his," d ad's narrator says of Romney.
PHOTOS: Romney famLe Thru d years | on d campaign trail
d 30-second spot signaled dat Obama wud kEp makin Romney's taxes a campaign issU. d Republican hopeful hz released only two years of tax info bout Hs personL fortuN & finances.
6 weeks out frm d election, Obama holds a slim lEd Ovr Romney n most battleground states. d Republican iz seeking 2 rght Hs campaign following a rough strech dat included d release of Hs secretly recorded remarks bout d 47 % & criticism dat he's not campaigning hard Enuf 4 d White hows.
Romney acknowledged sun. dat he wz trailing d prez n sevrl key states. bt he promisD 2 spNd less tym courting donors & mo tym w voters.
"I knO dat n d comin 6 weeks they're v unlikely 2 stA whr dey R today," Romney sed of d polls.
d Republican wz scheduled 2 campaign mon. n Colorado, whr aides added a raLE n an attempt 2 deflect d criticism frm withn Hs own pRT. Romney wz also 2 join runN m8 Paul Ryan n Ohio on tues. 4 a bus 2R.
Romney senior adviser Ed Gillespie sed d GOP ticket wud GIV voters mo specific Dtails on thR economic plans n d campaign's closing weeks.
"Voters wiL git 2 knO mo not only bout d specifics of d Romney plan, bt how it wiL benefit them," he sed. "A real recovery wiL improve d quality of Lyf 4 working Americans, & lift millions out of poverty by makin jobs avail. again."
Obama wiL spNd mon. & tues. tending 2 official duties @ d United natN. bt Hs condensed schedule @ d annual gathering of wrld leaders underscored dat Hs focus iz largely on d campaign.
Voters n mo thN two 12 states R alredi casting ballots n earlE voting 4 d presidential election, mEng evrtng d candidates do nw c%d influence votes alredi bn cast.
Obama's campaign sees Romney's remarks bout 47 % of Americans az an opRtunET 2 solidify itz lead, building on d campaign's efforts Ovr d sumR 2 p8nt d Republican az a multi-millionaire elitist hu iz out of tuch w midL claS Americans. d campaign's nu 30-second ad opens w a VDO of Romney tellin donors @ a prv8 fundraiser bout d 47 % of Americans he believes wiL vote 4 Obama n m@R wot.
"My job iz not 2 wori bout thOs people," Romney says n d video, whch wz taped w/o Hs knowLdG.
A narrator n d Obama ad responds: "Isn't it d president's job 2 wori bout everyone?"
Romney sed he wz talkin 2 donors bout campaign strategy & makin d point dat bout 47 % of voters won't cast thR ballots 4 him. He hz insisted following d video's release dat az president, he wud wrk 4 aL Americans.
d Obama ad also references Dtails bout Romney's personL tax returns, including Hs disclosure dat he & Yf Ann Romney paid an effective tax R8 n 2011 of 14.1 %. dat R8 iz lowR thN millions of middle-income Americans, bt actually mo thN Romney had 2 pA.
d tax documents released fri. shO Romney, 1 of d wealthiest candidates eva 2 seek d presidency, paid nErly $2 $MM n federal taxes on $13.7 $MM n income. Romney's income wz frm investment returns, whch R taxed @ a lowR R8 thN income dat comes mostly frm wages.
Republicans RguD dat it wz tym 4 Democrats 2 stop focusing on Romney's taxes nw dat he hz released Hs 2011 returns.
Romney released Hs 2010 returns n January, bt he continues 2 decline 2 disclose returns frm previous years — including thOs whIl he worked @ Bain Capital, d prv8 equity firm he co-founded. d Obama campaign & othR Democrats nOt dat Romney's father, George Romney, released a 12 years of returns wen he ran 4 prez.
d Republican nominee hz mAd clr dat he's l%kin 2 NXT month's 3 presidential debates 2 hlp him git on track. d 1st db8 iz on Oct. 3.
Romney told reporters sun. dat Obama hz Bin "trying 2 f%l ppl in2 thinking dat I tink things I don't. & dat ends I tink durN d debates."
& he blAmD Hs recnt struggles, n part, on wot he described az a series of factually inaccurate attacks frm Obama.
"He keeps on runN dEz things evN tho he knows dey R wrong," Romney sed. "Whether it's on d auto industry, wethR it's on taxes, wethR it's on social issues, wot he's saying bout my positions iz simply not true."
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