A 14-year old Pakistani activist hu championed education 4 girls hz Bin shot n d hed by a Taliban gunman.
d attack on Malala Yousafzai, hu bcame famous 4 highlighting Taliban atrocities, hapnd az she sat n a bus preparing 2 Leav d skul grounds n Mingora, d mAn ciT n d Swat valE whch wz d scene of intense fighting Btwen d army & d Taliban n 2009.
@ lEst 1 othR 3:o) wz also hurt n d attack on tues. dat a Taliban spokesman, Ehsanullah Ehsan, quickly claimed d grup wz responsible 4.
He sed d teenager's wrk had Bin an "obscenity" dat needed 2 b stopped: "This wz a nu chapter of obscenity, & we hav 2 finish DIS chapter."
Doctors sed d gunshot wounds 2 her hed & neck wer Cres & dat she mite hav 2 b muvD 2 a larger hospital n Islamabad o Peshawar.
Fazal Maula Zahid, a mmbr of Swat Qaumi Jirga, a local anti-Taliban grup working 4 (-<-) n d valley, sed d gunman had askd whch of d girls wz Malala.
1 of d girls pointed 2 Malala, bt d activist denied it wz her. d gunman shot both of d girls.
"An attack on Malala n a highly secured area hz snt a shiver dwn d spine of Swati people," Zahid sed.
"It hz also creatD doubts bout d claims of d authorities dat militants hav Bin flushed out frm Swat."
Malala won fame n 2009 durN d Pakistani army operations 2 crush a Taliban insurgency dat had takN hold n d Swat valley, an area populR Amng Pakistani tourists 3 hours driV frm Islamabad.
az pRt of her campaign 4 girls' education she rOt an anonymous blog 4 d BBC bout d chaos @ d time, including d burning of girls' schools.
Her efforts wer recognised by Pakistan's prime minister hu awarded her d country's 1st National (-<-) award & a reward of rownd £3,300 aftR she missed out on winning d International Children's (-<-) Prize 4 whch she wz nominated n 2011.
She had also spOkn of her desire 2 set ^ her own political pRT & a vocational institute 4 marginalised girls n her area.
bt aL d publicity displeased d Pakistani Taliban, whch had put her & her famLe on itz "hit list" 4 backing "the imposition of secular" government n Swat.
d attack n d army-dominated Mingora hz led som 2 :-Q government claims dat d military hz dismantled d militants' operation n Swat.
"We R holdN urgent meeting of our Jirga 2 chalk out a futR strategy," sed Zahid. "We dm& of d government 2 arrest d attackers [otherwise] d confidNc of d ppl n d government wiL gr8ly b shaken."
Zahid Khan, NothA Quami Jirga activist hu wz attacked earlier n d year, sed d authorities wer not doin Enuf.
"More thN 20 ppl hav Bin killed n militant attacks aftR d army finishD itz operations bt aL d army duz iz protek itself & government buildings," he sed. "It sEmz dat NOsNt civilians R 1ce agen R @ d mercy of miscreants."
Also on tues. a case b4 d supreme court hi-lited othR problems faced by women wen justices ordered an investigation in2 d alleged barter of 7 girls 2 setL a bl%d feud n a remOT district n south west Pakistan.
Chief justice Iftikhar Chaudhry Bgan proceedings in2 d allegations, whch wer 1st reported n d local media. d alleged trade hapnd n d Dera Bugti district of Baluchistan province Btwen two groups withn d Bugti tribe.
A tribal council ordered d barter n earlE September, d district deputy commissioner, Saeed Faisal, told d court. He did not knO d girls' ages bt local media reported dey wer Btwen 4 & 13.
Chaudhry ordered Faisal 2 mAk suR dat aL mbrs of d tribal council apEr n court on Wednesday, az weL az a local lawmaker hu belongs 2 1 of d two subtribes belivD involved n d incIdNt.
d tradition of families exchanging unmarried girls 2 setL feuds iz banned undR Pakistani law bt stil practiced n d country's mo conservative, tribal areas.
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