U.S. prez Barack Obama & Republican candidate Mitt Romney R tkng thR campaigns 2 d key political battleground st8 of Ohio Tuesday, az dey seek 2 win Ovr voters 4 weeks b4 d election.
Mr. Obama wiL appeal 2 supporters @ Ohio st8 uni n Columbus whIl Mr. Romney wiL hold a raLE n Cuyahoga Falls, Ohio.
Ohio iz 1 of d so-called swing states dat c%d hlp Dcide d outcome of d November election.
d campaigning n Ohio comes az sevrl polls indicate Mr. Romney iz gaining ground.
d L8st Pew rEsrch cNtR poll of likely voters shows 49 % wud cast ballots 4 Mr. Romney f d election wer held today, compared 2 45 % 4 Mr. Obama.
A Public Policy Polling survA shows Mr. Romney ahed of Mr. Obama, 49 % 2 47 %.
However, d L8st Gallup trackN poll shows d prez lEdN Mr. Romney, 50 % 2 45 %. Mr. Romney's numbers wer hiR n d previous Gallup poll, conducted aftR d 1st presidential db8.
Most observers sA Mr. Romney won d Oct. 3 db8. d two presidential contenders wiL hold a 2nd db8 NXT week, w citizens posing questions on both domestK & 4n isUz. A 3rd debate, focusing on 4n policy, wiL tAk plAc l8r DIS mth.
Despite losing ground n d polls 2 Mr. Romney following d 1st debate, Mr. Obama told supporters @ a fundraising evnt mon. nyt dat he “very much” intends 2 win d election. He urged Hs backers 2 b “almost obsessive” n thR efforts untl election dA.
Earlier Monday, Mr. Romney accused d prez of bn a weak leader, especalE re: d midL East.
n Hs 1st mjr 4n policy spEch of d campaign, Mr. Romney sed dat undR prez Obama, d United States hz Bin @ d mercy of evnts rather thN UzN wot d Republican challenger caLd itz “great powR 2 shAp history.”
He accused d prez of failing 2 lEd n Syria, caLd d U.S. withdrawal of forces frm Iraq “abrupt,” & sed d United States & Israel R growing apart, whch he says hz emboldened Iran.
Mr. Romney also sed ther wiL b n flexibility w Russia on missile defense n Europe.
d Obama campaign swiftly responded 2 d Romney speech, saying ther iz a gud rEsN d prez leads Mr. Romney n d polls on national security — citing d nd 2 d wR n Iraq & d killing of al-Qaida chief sma bn Laden.
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